Code of Conduct

The Student admitted to the school is supposed to follow all rulses and regulations of the school he/she violates them, he/she will face strict disciplinary actions.

Not damage school property.
Not remain absent from the school without permission.
Not bring the cell phone to the school.
Not bring a costly article.
Not bring sharp edged and injury causing articles.
Not use harsh and abusive language.
Wear the proper school uniform.
Not bring objectionable meterial like magazine, CD, crackers etc.
Not come late to the school.
Not use unfair means in exams.
Wear the indentity card.
Not use any form of voilence.
Not to indulge in intoxication.
Bring his/her books and notebooks to the school according to the time table.
Not bring more than Rs.20/-as a pocket allowance.

Students Welfare

Our school has a well-equipped library which helps in cultivating the child's reading habit. We have a wide variety of books on various subjects ranging from English, Hindi, Moral Values, Soft Skills, etc.

Guidelines for Parents

In order to achieve the common goal of satisfactory education of your child, here are a few vital instructions for you to follow. Kindly read them carefully.

  1. Submit the require certificates, photos, etc. in time to avoid any inconvenienc.
  2. Ensure prompt payment of the school dues to save your child from any unnecessary embarrassment.
  3. Do maintain a systematic record of all the fee receipts issued and correspondence made by the school office.
  4. Any change in the correspondence address should be promptly communicated to the school office for updating its record.
  5. Solicite leave for your-child only when it is almost unavoidable and produce a valid proof for justifying your claim.
  6. Don't distract the attention of your child for honouring social obligation / commitments during the period of studies.
  7. Meet the teachers of your child after every examination to acquaint yourself with his/her latest progress and sign the Result Sheet compulsorily.
  8. Check the Child's School Almanac to acquaint yourselves with his/her performance at school.
  9. Approach the office to get prompt solutions to any problem concerning your child. Never get into an argument with any teacher / office clerk.
  10. Trust your child's version of the particular event only after having been verified by his/her class teacher or the Principal as the case may be.
  11. Never offer any gift to any school employee.
  12. Never criticize your child publicly.
  13. Always appreciate you child for his/her moral encouragement.
  14. Avoid comparing your child with others as it breeds contempt.
  15. Try to understand the genuine problems of your child and solve them promptly.
  16. Never criticize any teacher in the presence of your child because it is bound to tarnish the teacher's image in the eyes of your child.
  17. Assist your child in setting schedules for self study, recreation, meals, sleep etc.


The School accommodates a well-furnished Medical Room with all necessary equipment and medication which is accessible during school hours. Medical check-ups are conducted and valuable prescriptions to be provided by the doctors. Students are provided with the proper diet management techniques and stress management (aided with Yoga & Meditation).The students are also oriented about the importance of developing immunity.

Awareness programs for assisting students about various aspects of health education (disease), first aid, and healthy habit and stress management aided with yoga session (meditation) addition to the awareness various medical check-ups are also schematized to keep a check on health issues.