In what perhaps can be termed as one of the most gigantic 'leaps' of mankind the world has ever witnessed, the changes in the past quarter of the century, have literally transmogrified human society beyond recognition; consequently, the changes effected have been more far-reaching than ever before, in the annals of human history on earth.

In this context, there is no gainsaying that science and technology has almost always been the vanguard of 'change', spearheading transitions that in turn, have affected the very fabric of society and cultural life, at large. Just as in countless other realms of social life, education – together with its conceptual meaning and all aspects of it – has undergone repeated mutations, evolving with the passage of time.

One of the most discernible of all the emergent trends of modern civilization ("New Age") in the context of Education as a whole, has been the evolution of Management & Information Technology as a paramount operational area, in terms of scope and application. idea that saw the inception of this institution has been the dream of the founder to bring education to the common man, to equip all with basic educational pre-requisites. At another level, the over-riding objective has been to introduce cutting-edge solutions and avant-garde pedagogy, adhering to the noble dictum of "the greatest good for the greatest numbers".

The reason: to keep pace with the latest and the best there is, globally, through exceedingly competent professionals and academics.

Learning today, has become a lifelong task – an emergence, not from ‘choice’ but as a necessity, a compulsion that has become mandatory for survival amongst the fittest.

In its continued concerted endeavour to “rediscover excellence” in the realm of education, IPM has always been a fore-runner and one of the few 'early adopters' (amongst educational institutions) to undertake long-term resource initiatives and then on introduce the latest concepts , in sync with global trends and key "focus areas".

The road till now has been uphill and challenging, one that witnessed new paths being traversed, new horizons reached, propelled by the priceless insights of the visionary founder. There have been setbacks and milestones, yet the journey has, without doubt, been a greatly gratifying one.

"Now, IPM School lays its foundation for nurturing and developing its young students, who have impressionable minds and need constant guidance and support."